Rosewood is one of the most expensive in the world. Exclusive furniture is made from it and the essential oil is made from sawdust. It is called royal for its lovely aroma and healing properties.

Combining warm woody floral notes and deliciously spicy in its unique subtle aroma, rosewood essential oil is appreciated primarily for its exotic, delicate and very light scent.
The oil is obtained from the heart of an evergreen tree native to the rainforests of Brazil. It reaches 40 meters in height.

This essential oil blends and blends perfectly with almost all essential oils from the floral, woody, or citrus group. In particular, the essential oils of neroli, geranium, sandalwood, cedar, rosemary, frankincense, ylang-ylang, and mandarin are good partners for rosewood oil.
History and myths
The magical property of fragrances to repel or, on the contrary, attract was known long before our days, even in the time of Cleopatra. The legendary queen, having boarded a ship to meet her beloved Mark Anthony, ordered the deck of the ship to be rubbed with rosewood oil so that the delicate aroma would reach the Roman and prepare it for a tender welcome.
Ancient Chinese in the 10th century BC. use rosewood to build houses. The walls of their dwellings exuded a delicate scent, like a lily and remotely like a rose. Even then, they made the first attempts to distill wood and came up with a clear liquid with a floral scent. They called it "oil for the soul."

In France, rosewood was used to make cabinets, brush handles, knife handles, etc.
In the East, it is often used for meditation.
Rosewood essential oil is an oil of Venus that symbolizes strength, luck, youth and love. It is perceived as a fairly strong emotional aphrodisiac aimed at eliminating sexual disorders, coldness, frigidity. Women use this oil only when they strive to demonstrate and affirm their independence, self-reliance, and reveal the integrity of their personality. The aroma of this oil helps to overcome fatigue and bouts of irritability, to cope with nervousness, pride, envy and anxiety. It is the scent of confidence, strength, quiet prudence.
It is considered one of the best essential oils for making difficult decisions, for thinking clearly about difficult tasks and challenges (for example, exams or assignments that require concentration). It is the ideal ethereal base for a constructive exit from stress and depression, to get rid of negativism and pessimism.
Rosewood has a wide range of effects on humans. Its oil is used effectively for medicinal purposes, in the beauty industry: cosmetics and perfumery.
The hypoallergenic action allows its use for both sensitive and aged dermis. Rosewood also improves the protective properties of the epidermis, hydrates and nourishes with nutrients. In addition, it helps to normalize intradermal metabolism, smooths wrinkles, eliminates redness, irritation, swelling, cracks and peeling.
As a result of the use of this oil, the complexion is even, a uniform and healthy color is formed and the skin acquires a beautiful fresh tone.
From a cosmetic point of view, rosewood has bactericidal, soothing and restorative properties, as well as softening and stimulating qualities of internal changes.
So, the oil is perfect for sensitive and aged skin, it increases not only elasticity or firmness, but also the protective capacity of the epidermis. Removes flaking, cracks, dermatitis, spots, uneven colors and textures, restores color, effectively relieves viral, bacterial, allergic and neurodermatitis diseases.
In addition, rosewood has excellent deodorant properties.
Rosewood essential oil for hair gives vitality to dull, weakened and divided hair, strengthens curls, makes them shiny and hydrated. In addition, rosewood oil is suitable for absolutely any type of hair and scalp and gives the strands a wonderful scent.
Home use of rosewood essential oil
Rosewood essential oil is considered a good repellent, it is an effective mosquito repellent.
Rosewood essential oil is considered completely non-allergenic, but this does not mean that individual tolerance tests can be skipped before use. There are no contraindications to the use of this aromatic oil: only when used internally, the oil should not be used for ulcers and gastritis, while externally it can be used even in work with children.
When applied to the skin, it has a warming and tingling effect.
For aroma lamps, you can use up to 7 drops of oil.
Scent baths are generally used only for a relaxing effect, while using no more than 8 drops of rosewood. Add 6 to 8 drops of rosewood oil mixed with 1 tablespoon of emulsifier (milk, honey, sea or table salt) to a full bath (37–38 ° С). The duration of the procedure is 10 to 15 minutes.
Massage, for 15 grams of base (massage oil, cosmetic) add 7 drops of aromatic oil. In a mixture with any vegetable oil in the same concentration, rosewood oil can be used as an antibacterial deodorant mixture, eliminating flaking and stretch marks on the skin.
For compresses or applications in a glass of water, do not use more than 10 drops of essential oil, if we are talking about applications on inflamed skin, it is better to mix 3 drops of oil with the base oils of wheat germ or macadamia in the same amount .
To wash your face with lukewarm water, just dissolve a drop or two of the oil.
Additionally, the essential oil of a unique plant can be used to flavor tea or wine.
Ja Bonita Fábrica products made with rosewood oil

Natural silk and rose soap is considered one of the most luxurious soaps, delicately cleanses the skin, hydrates and nourishes perfectly. Suitable for the care of the skin of the face and body with the softness of natural silk.

Rosewood essential oil has a great benefit: a seductive scent, effective for medical use and pleasant to the skin. However - as a rare gift from nature, always use it in moderation!
Everything that nature has given us ... I share it with you!
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